community program
We have partnered with many community organizations around the globe to get necessary, affirming products to people with limited access, for free.
We currently send out 300 affirming products per month!
Point of Pride
The main organization we partner with is Point of Pride.
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care
They are located in the US, and focus getting gender-afirming items to people around the world for no cost as well as scholarships for procedures like surgeries and electrolysis.
Free Gaffs
If you are a trans person who faces significant financial barriers to gender-affirming gaffs, you can apply to the Free Transfemme Shapewear Program through Point of Pride. You will receive one hipster gaff in the mail, free of charge!
It's open to anyone in the world, only has two requrements:
1. You identify as transgender (whatever that means to you, we use it as an umbrella term)
2. You cannot afford to buy our gaffs directly from our website or a retailer
Please only place a request if you are truly in need of support. We use the honour system so there are as few obstacles as possible for our recipients.

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