We are on a mission to get our gender-affirming produts to people who can't afford them- free of charge!

Community Partners

We’ll do everything in our power to get gender-affirming products like gaffs and binders to anyone who needs them. We know that for trans and gender-diverse folks, owning something that supports your unique self-expression can be life-changing. Our deepest desire is to help you feel like yourself, however that looks for you. 

But unfortunately, buying handmade custom products isn’t affordable for everyone. Although we stand by our price point so that we can create all our products as ethically as possible (see how here!), above all else we want our gender-affirming gear to be accessible to anyone who needs it.

That's why we run programs to get these products to people facing access barriers. We’ve partnered with community organizations to get necessary, affirming products to people with limited access. 

We do all of this free of charge

Because this is our community, too. And more than ever, we need safe, affirming options for ALL of us.

How it Works

Below is a list of our Community Partners. All of these organizations are here to support and remind you that you have a whole community of people behind you on this journey.

Read through the list of partners to find the one that’s closest to you or seems to fit your situation. Then, contact them directly to apply for your free or subsidized gender-supportive products. 

If you get lost or confused, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

We’re here for you.

access our gender affirming products in person by location. choose from one of our 40 community partners!



Prism is Vancouver Coastal Health’s education, information and referral service for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, Two-Spirit and queer + (LGBT2Q+) communities.

Kiwanis Emergency Youth Shelter- Victoria

A 10-bed home environment that provides emergency housing for youth (ages 13-18) of all genders who are homeless and/or have no safe housing alternatives.

Vi Binders- Nanoose Bay

VI Binders is a volunteer-run, non-profit program set up to support primarily trans-masc and non-binary individuals who reside on Vancouver Island. We help these folx with access to affordable and safe gender affirming products.

Rainbow Resource Center- Winnipeg

Rainbow Resource Centre offers support to the 2SLGBTQ+ community in the form of counselling, education, and programming for individuals ranging from children through to 55±.

MoreBinders- Manitoulin Island

Morebinders was created to provide gender affirming binders for free, by a community who cares for and celebrates trans youth.

Manitoulin Trans Support GroupManitoulin Island

Their goal is to provide a safe space and support to parents and transgender and Two-Spirit youth on Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island) and the surrounding area.

Trans Bisexual Lesbian Gay Asexual at York (University)- Toronto

TBLGAY is a safer space for the queer, trans and asexual community on campus which provides gender- affirming products to students

TransCare+ - Toronto

We focus on supporting the health, care and wellness of trans and gender diverse communities through our programming, research, and advocacy.

Project 10Montreal

Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex and questioning youth and adults 14-25 in Montreal. 


The Trans Action Group of the Université de Sherbrooke is an association that brings together trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming people as well as their allies in order to fight for trans rights.

Divers-GensSt. Hyacinth

Divers-Gens is an organization for education, awareness, demystification and mutual aid on LGBPTQIA2 + issues. We mainly help young people 14-25 years old as well as their relatives, in Haute-Yamaska ​​and Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec

Gender Creative KidsMontreal

GenderCreativeKids.ca provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities.

The Center for Gender AdvocacyMontreal

The Centre for Gender Advocacy is an independent, student-funded, Concordia University organization promoting gender equality and empowerment through ongoing programming, campaigns, resources, services, advocacy and a commitment to accessibility. 

Action LGBTQ with Immigrants and RefugeesMontreal

AGIR is an independent, non-profit organization, by and for the newly arrived LGBTQ community. Their mission is to develop and deliver services, information, programs, resources, protection and advocacy for legal, social and economic rights for new migrants and newcomers from the LGBTQ community, in a perspective of solidarity.

AIDS Community Care Montreal -Montreal

ACCM’s Support Services programs are developed through the active involvement and input of people living with HIV or hepatitis C. These programs foster self-determination and skills development, helping our members establish new and fulfilling ways of participating in the broader Montreal community.

 Union for Gender Empowerment (McGill)Montreal

We aim to provide services to any person who identifies with our anti-oppressive, feminist, and trans-positive principles, regardless of gender identity. The Union for Gender Empowerment provides resources, educational opportunities, and a centre for advocacy.

Queer McGill- Montreal

QM is a student-led service run by queer students for queer students, non-students in the Montreal area, and allies.

Trans Maurice- Drummondville/ Trois-Rivières

Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec, runs workshops for Trans people and questioning people

Jeunesse Lambda- Montreal

A community organization created by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth from 14 to 30 years old.

L'Asterisk- Montreal

L'astériskis a non-commercial and bilingual safe(r) space located in the Gay Village of Montreal for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth ages 14 to 35 years-old.

Abitibi Témiscamingue Sexual and Gender Diversity Assistance Coalition - Abitibi-Témiscaminge

The objective of this organization is to promote the adaptation of psychosocial support services, educational services and health services to improve the quality and access of 2SLGBTIA+

Youth Project Nova Scotia-Dartmouth

Their mission is to make Nova Scotia a safer, healthier, and happier place for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth through support, education, resource expansion and community development. You can find our gaff and other gender affirming gear for free.

Chroma - St John

Chroma is a non-profit organization that provides support for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the Saint John Region. Chroma commits to advocating for and collaborating with our community, as well as providing 2SLGBTQIA+ education to all.


Point of PrideOnline

 Point of Pride is a volunteer-based organization which works to support trans youth and adults who otherwise lack access through gender-affirming programs that empower them to live more authentically.  We support their Transfemme shapewear program with ongoing shipments of gender-affirming products for those with financial barriers. 

Kaleidoscope Youth CenterColumbus, OH

Diverse, experienced staff work alongside queer youth to create free programming, housing, and support services in Columbus, and all over the state of Ohio.Their Gender Affirmation Project provides free binders and gaffs to young people up to age 24. Request a free gaff here

THRIVE Gender Development ProgramColumbus, OH

THRIVE is a program that specializes in care for differences of sexual development (DSD), gender development and complex urological conditions. 

TransHealth- Massachusetts

They are a groundbreaking independent and comprehensive trans healthcare center built to empower trans and gender-diverse adults, children, and families.

Fullerton College Career ClosetFullerton, CA

The career closet strives to serve Fullerton College students by providing clean and gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories! Students can also find other products to help meet their basic needs such as gender affirming garments

Denver Health Pediatrics- Denver, CO

Denver Health’s School-based Health Centers (SBHC) form a large network of 19 health centers located inside Denver Public School (DPS) campuses that provide medical, mental health, dental and behavioural health care. You will be able to access our gender-affirming products through them. 

LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert- Coachella, CA

At the Center, their goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all members of our vibrant LGBTQ community. Through them you can access discounts to our gender affirming products

Yale Office of LGBTQ Resources - New Haven, CT

This “community living room” is stocked with products that students need, including our gender- affirming gaffs

Q Center- University of Washington - Seattle, WA

EnGender is an emerging program that aims to provide free and accessible gender affirming items to anyone who needs them. They offer out affirming products at no cost.

Transponder - Eugene, OR

TransPonder is a transgender founded and led nonprofit based in Eugene, Oregon providing support, resources, and education for the transgender and gender diverse community and our allies.

Briarpatch Youth Services - Fitchburg, WI 

They run the Briar-Attire Gender Affirming Clothing Program, as well as other programs to support LGBTQIAS+ and homeless youth

Out Youth - Austin, TX

Out Youth serves Central Texas LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies with programs and services to ensure these promising young people develop into happy, healthy, successful adults.

Triangle Community Center - Norwalk, CT

Triangle Community Center aims to support LGBTQ competency trainings for education, service providers, and others in addition to providing mental health counselling services.

LGBT Resource Center, University of California, Irvine - Irvine, CA

The LGBTRC provides support, education, and advocacy from an intersectional perspective regarding sexual orientation/attraction and gender identity for the UC Irvine Campus Community. 

Pride Resource Center, Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO

The Pride Resource Center serves as a connection point for students, employees, and community members seeking resources regarding coming into their identities, transitioning, healthcare, mental health, finances, housing, document/identification changes, and supporting loved ones. 

Health Care Advocates International - Stratford, CT

HCAI provides high-quality, accessible, and nonjudgmental care for vulnerable and disenfranchised populations. Among many others, they run a free binder program.

Australia National University Queer Department- Canberra

To support the wellbeing of our gender diverse students, they offer free gender affirming gear (including binders and tucking underwear) to queer undergraduate students. 

Trans Open Wardrobe- Bern, Switzerland

A non-profit association that is founded and led by queer and trans BIPOC people. Our aim is to set up regular events for transgender*, non-binary, gender-expansive people to find suitable and gender-affirming clothes in a safer space.

access gender affirming products online

If you're not near any of the organizations above, you can still access gender affirming care online, anywhere in the world! Through our partnership with Point of Pride, we send out gaffs and binders for free.

point of pride

 Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.

They are located in the US, and focus getting gender-affirming items to people around the world for no cost- as well as scholarships for procedures like surgeries and electrolysis.

Read the BLOG about our partnership!

free gaff program

If you are a trans person who faces significant financial barriers to gender-affirming gaffs, you can apply to the Free Transfemme Shapewear Program through Point of PrideYou will receive one hipster gaff in the mail, free of charge!

It's open to anyone in the world, only has two requrements:

1. You identify as transgender (whatever that means to you, we use it as an umbrella term)

2. You cannot afford to buy our gaffs directly from our website or a retailer

Please only place a request if you are truly in need of support. We use the honour system so there are as few obstacles as possible for our recipients. 


Get free Chest binders with point of pride

Point of Pride provides free chest binders to any trans person who needs one and cannot afford or safely obtain one.

They have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible:

  • You identify as transgender (FTM, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity within the trans umbrella.)
  • You cannot afford to purchase a binder, or you cannot safely obtain a binder.

This program is intended to help trans folks who otherwise can not afford or access a binder. We ask that you consider your access before applying. 

we rely on donations to fund these free programs

donate now!

other support programs

Point of Pride, offers financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.

Their HRT Fund is a scholarship-like program that provides direct financial assistance to trans folks who cannot afford their gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy (also known as "HRT.")

The Annual Transgender Surgery Fund is a scholarship-like program that provides direct financial assistance to trans folks who cannot afford their gender-affirming surgery.

Point of Pride’s new Thrive Fund provides small grants to trans folks who cannot afford gender-affirming health and wellness services that fall outside of our existing programs.

Their programs and scholarships are US only.

by point of pride

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Distributeurs communautaires

Nous avons établi des partenariats avec ces organisations communautaires afin de fournir des produits nécessaires et respectueux de l'identité sexuelle et de genre aux personnes ayant un accès limité. Veuillez les contacter directement pour avoir accès à nos produits d'affirmation de genre à faible coût ou gratuitement.



Projet 10- Montréal, Québec

Projet 10 travaille à promouvoir le bien-être personnel, social, sexuel et mental des jeunes et des adultes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transgenres, transsexuels, bispirituels, intersexes et en questionnement de 14 à 25 ans à Montréal.

TransEstrie- Sherbrooke, Québec

Le Groupe d'action trans de l'Université de Sherbrooke est une association qui regroupe des personnes trans, non-binaires et non-conformes au genre ainsi que leurs allié-e-s afin de lutter pour les droits des trans.

Divers-Gens- St. Hyacinthe, Québec

Divers-Gens est un organisme d'éducation, de sensibilisation, de démystification et d'entraide sur les questions LGBPTQIA2 +. Nous aidons principalement les jeunes de 14 à 25 ans ainsi que leurs proches, en Haute-Yamaska et Brome-Missisquoi, au Québec.

Gender Creative Kids - Montréal, Québec

GenderCreativeKids.ca fournit des ressources pour soutenir et affirmer les enfants créatifs en matière de genre au sein de leurs familles, écoles et communautés.

Le Centre pour la défense des droits des femmes - Montréal, Québec

Le Centre pour la défense des droits des femmes est un organisme indépendant, financé par les étudiants de l'Université Concordia, qui fait la promotion de l'égalité des sexes et de l'autonomisation par le biais de programmes, de campagnes, de ressources, de services, de la défense des droits et d'un engagement envers l'accessibilité.

Action LGBTQ avec les Immigrants et les Réfugiés - Montréal, Québec 


AGIR est un organisme indépendant, à but non lucratif, par et pour la communauté LGBTQ nouvellement arrivée. Leur mission est de développer et de fournir des services, des informations, des programmes, des ressources, une protection et un plaidoyer pour les droits légaux, sociaux et économiques des nouveaux migrants et des nouveaux arrivants de la communauté LGBTQ, dans une perspective de solidarité.

AIDS Community Care Montreal -Montréal, Québec

Les programmes de services de soutien de l'ACCM sont élaborés grâce à la participation active et à la contribution des personnes vivant avec le VIH ou l'hépatite C. Ces programmes favorisent l'autodétermination et le développement des compétences, aidant nos membres à établir de nouvelles façons de participer à la communauté montréalaise dans son ensemble.

Union for Gender Empowerment (McGill)- Montréal, Québec

Nous visons à fournir des services à toute personne qui s'identifie à nos principes anti-oppressifs, féministes et trans-positifs, quelle que soit son identité de genre. L'Union for Gender Empowerment offre des ressources, des possibilités d'éducation et un centre de défense des droits.


Manitoulin Trans Support Group- Île Manitoulin, Ontario

Leur objectif est de fournir un espace sûr et un soutien aux parents et aux jeunes transgenres et bispirituels de Mnidoo Mnising (île Manitoulin) et de la région environnante.

Trans Bisexuel Lesbien Gay Asexuel à York (Université)- Toronto, Ontario

TBLGAY est un espace plus sûr pour la communauté queer, trans et asexuelle sur le campus qui fournit des produits d'affirmation du genre aux étudiants.


PRISM- Vancouver, BC

Prism est le service d'éducation, d'information et d'orientation de la Vancouver Coastal Health pour les communautés lesbienne, gay, bisexuelle, trans, bispirituelle et queer + (LGBT2Q+).


Point of Pride - En ligne

Point of Pride est une organisation bénévole qui s'efforce de soutenir les jeunes et les adultes transgenres qui autrement n'auraient pas accès à des programmes d'affirmation du genre leur permettant de vivre plus authentiquement.  Nous soutenons leur programme de shapewear Trans Femme par des envois continus de produits d'affirmation du genre pour ceux qui ont des difficultés financières.

Kaleidoscope Youth Center - Columbus, Ohio


Un personnel diversifié et expérimenté travaille aux côtés de jeunes homosexuels pour créer des programmes, des logements et des services de soutien gratuits à Columbus et dans tout l'État de l'Ohio. Leur projet d'affirmation du genre fournit des binders et des gaffes gratuits aux jeunes jusqu'à 24 ans. Demandez un gaffe gratuit ici

Programme THRIVE de développement du genre - Columbus, OH

THRIVE est un programme spécialisé dans les soins pour les différences de développement sexuel (DSD), le développement du genre et les conditions urologiques complexes.


TransHealth est un centre de santé transgenre indépendant et complet, conçu pour donner du pouvoir aux adultes, aux enfants et aux familles transgenres et diversifiés.


Black Lives Matter Bloomington- Normal- No Strings Underthings- Bloomington-Normal, IL

BLM dans cette région gère un programme qui fournit nos gaffes et nos binders d'affirmation de genre à toutes les personnes de leur communauté locale qui en ont besoin. Demandez un article gratuit ici

Placard professionnel du Fullerton College - Fullerton, CA

Le Career Closet s'efforce de servir les étudiants du Fullerton College en leur fournissant des vêtements, des chaussures et des accessoires propres et légèrement usagés ! Les étudiants peuvent également trouver d'autres produits pour les aider à répondre à leurs besoins fondamentaux, comme des vêtements adaptés à leur expression de genre.

Denver Health Pediatrics - Denver, CO

Les School-based Health Centers (SBHC) de Denver Health forment un vaste réseau de 19 centres de santé situés à l'intérieur des campus des écoles publiques de Denver (DPS) qui fournissent des soins médicaux, de santé mentale, dentaires et comportementaux. C'est par leur intermédiaire que vous pourrez accéder à nos produits d'affirmation du genre.

Dans le monde entier


Université nationale d'Australie - Département Queer - Canberra, Australie

Afin de soutenir le bien-être de nos étudiants de sexe différent, ils offrent gratuitement aux étudiants queer de premier cycle des vêtements adaptés à leur expression de genre. 


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